viernes, 3 de febrero de 2012

Hi beautiful friends!
The truth is that my relation with the environment is good but I do the basic things for it. For example, my apartment has an “ecological closet” is this place I put milk boxes and cardboard in general, glass and plastic bottles, I think that all the buildings should have to this system, because it would help for the people recycling and became conscience. I don’t throw away batteries anywhere, either. I found the paymaster places for that.
I just remember that I was a child my mother teach me that should never, never, never throw the garbage in the street, I learn that I had to responsible with my waste.
The Chilean government, is quite capable of sell all the nature surviving in this country, they loves thermoelectric and the forest that were destroyed by fire, they don’t feel neither responsibility with this problem, they have no shame!
In my opinion the people recycle in a first place, cardboard, papers and plastic.
The people should to became conscience, but this is complex, this depend to the education of the people, I don’t say this in a pejorative way, but is truth I learned this when was a child. The childhood is the best instance to learn the love for the environment.
I have a good friend; I admire her because she is very responsible with her carbon footprint and she work for the planet, they study in an ecoschool: permaculture ( . This is a sustainable system for a live, and I think this should be more well-known.
Well, this is a last post in my life, I am very exciting for that and for this reason I want to give a digital gift. A great song about the end, this is the end!, the doors. Nico also have a version, this it’s very creepy.


viernes, 27 de enero de 2012

A big city?

Hi comrades in arms!
The topic’s today it’s really funny, because, I grew up in a little town and constantly in this city I think in the way that I relation with Santiago. When was a child I knew that I would live in Santiago, the reason why I don’t have clear, but I found this city fascinating.
I live in Santiago since 2009, when I come to study here, before I come to this city more or less once in the month, my family on my father’s side live here. My relation with the city it’s changing constantly, in the beginning, for example I didn’t understand where the municipalities in the relation with the center are, because this is the place that I more know, now I can understand, jajaja!
I need to say something more peasant, in the 2009 caught my attention the incredible numbers of different people, and the lot of cars in the streets, I didn’t understand where appear so much! (I find this funny now, but in that moment I suffered jaja) in Marchigüe I know all the people, all faces and all the cars, and everybody knows me, but I don’t miss that.
I like this city because I can found all I need, I can come to the university, I can go to the cinema, the museums and the doctor, for example, also like me the diversity of people, not really not, because when I go to “La Dehesa” I want to die, this place sucks. This is something that I hate to Santiago, in this city you can found very rich and irresponsible people and people really poor, in Marchigüe happen but not a lot, the people is normal and can share the same places, this city has places for the rich and for the poor, this sucks.
I don’t believe that I can do a real change because the problem it’s bigger and deep.
The tip that I would give to a visitor would be, keep in the center because if you move you can look our sad reality.
I started this post happy, but I finished sad.

viernes, 20 de enero de 2012

Miren como sonríen, cuando le hacen promesas al inocente.

Hi guys,
Today’s topic it’s very hard, in a first moment I can’t think in somebody, then the first Chilean that appeared in my mind was Salvador Allende, but then I remember my favorite Chilean woman: Violeta Parra.
Violeta Parra was born in San Carlos in 1917 and she committed suicide in 1967. She was a great and complete artist; she was singer-songwriter, painter, sculptress and ceramist. And her legacy is in the base of the national folk. She was very conscious about our culture and social reality, for example her songs were written fifty years ago, but actually has absolute sense, for example “Arauco tiene una pena” it’s really sad realize that with the time the things continue like this.
I think that with the time, the authorities have tried to “clean” her image, because her work best known are for example “Gracias a la vida” and her more critical and political songs have been unnoticed.   

Her visual art was value around the world; she was in Switzerland and exhibited her paintings and burlaps in the Louvre. In my opinion her work transcends the time and the theories. Actually it’s possible seer her work in the “Centro Cultural Palacio la Moneda”. She had a permanent exhibition, but the people in general don’t know this work.
I have a theory about Violeta, In my opinion her death was because the world sucks and she couldn’t support more and a song like “Gracias a la vida” was a goodbye but also was a big irony. Knowing her is impossible but if I could ask a question, it would be what it’s the truth about this song.
This is the end, bye.  

viernes, 13 de enero de 2012

Art History - History of Visual Representation

Hi everyone, today I have to create my own art timeline, this is a very simple task, because I can choose the images and authors that I like and think that are relevant to the art history narration.
Well, to begin is impossible to not make any mention to pre-historical art, actually this is not art, because the people who make it, never though of something like what we cal now: “Art”, they just paint and sculpt what they believe were natural forces that ruled their existence (so, their production is intimately related to survival and mysticism), the most known example are the paintings of the “Cueva de Altamira” is Spain and the “Wilendorf Venus” a very tiny sculpture of a woman.

Then, we could mention the Egyptian Art, a very complex form of representation if we compare it with pre-historical art. They could abstract the human form and their language, so they could create a conventional system of representation and communication. As you could though, we are here again with something that is not Art in a current way, but we must study this kind of images, because they are the foundations of the current Art, here we pass from a simple concept of art history as a sequential way of enumerate forms and images, to a more complex and interesting way of study images in their process of formation along the humankind, or we may say the constitution of the visual representation.

Now, a period we can’t forgot is the classical art in its Greek and roman expression. First, the Greeks made a huge revolution in the area of human and narrative representation, they give us the very foundations of what we call now Art. All of the Art History, even in our days we are discussing classical concepts to analyze contemporary art, so as you could imagine, we owe to much to the Greeks, not just in Politics and Literature. Then, the romans catch all the greeks forms and concepts and brought them to Italy, where they could be expanded all over the known world.

Finally, I have to close my narration because probably I’m boring you. But I can continue this in the next session. I made a great effort in this post because I missed the last class and the subject is very fun for me.


viernes, 30 de diciembre de 2011

Hot Christmas

Hi people!
I’m going to talk about my favorite date in the year, Christmas!!!. Nothing in the world can make me hate Christmas, I love it and always, under any conditions it is a perfect time and perfect day. I don’t know why, but I lost my mind when is Christmas, maybe this it’s come to my childhood. In Marchigüe (I never had been in other place) all the Christmas star to snow, all the people in the small town it’s happy. No, I lie, the heat was stifling and I can stand the heat because in the night I met up with my family in the grandma’s house. We had dinner, eating chicken with duchess potatoes and mushroom sauce, and then we eat ice cream to the dessert. After the dinner, go to for the gifts, with my family play “secret friend”, but the Santa bring gift to my little cousins.
I had forgotten that the previous night with my sister and my grandmother we do delicious “tail of monkey”, one with rum and other with “hot water”.  In the good night this is drinking, while it’s eating panettone, this it’s make for my father, because he has a bakery.  
This year I was a good girl and for that Santa give me many gifts, it’s natural that it should be so. 

sábado, 24 de diciembre de 2011

the humanity

Hi guys,
This topic is very interesting for me. The last time I thought a lot about the culture because in my opinion the language is the base of the culture. The Pagel idea’s has sense to me, when he talks about the begging of the need to survive. In him theory all depend to the evolution and for that reason all he say depend to the pass of the time. Currently in the world exist thousand languages, this difficult the international relations, is a problem and for that Pagel knows that we evolve to have one language to standardize. In my opinion him idea is very north American, I want to say neoliberal, is thinking from the globalization progress, maybe the people in the future can have two languages, the universal and the own. I think that because the people tend to create their own languages, for example the “COA” and the disciplines also have its own codes. The language is part of the identity of the individual, for that is necessary to understand this like a need. 

viernes, 16 de diciembre de 2011

Great and refresh web page

Hi guys!
                The true is: I don’t know web sites in English; I knew the the last week in this class, but this site don’t give to the opportunity to practice. In the you can learn your own tools and the page. The site has many activities; you select them and depending upon your needs. I check the following activities: In the option “grammar challenge” you can take the challenge. You have to complete the sentences and then you can check your answers. Also you can read news and hear the vocabulary; its words are in black in the text. The words are to repeat twice. In the site you can download information, activities, news, etc.

                All in the site appear in English, for that reason is necessary that you understand the language, just this way you can using. In moment was hard to work, because has taken me a lot of work. In my opinion this sites are important and useful for the class.