viernes, 29 de abril de 2011


Really, I don`t have a favorite web site, because when I surf in the internet the web sites I visit depend that I have to do. Regularly I visit facebook, gmail, I search all type the information, movies or serial in google, also I visit the page of the newspapers and youtube and read blogs. The ones previously mentioned, I want to write about youtube. In this web site you can find videos that teach you about cooking, playing the flute, making a theremin , also you can find music’s videos, concerts, film’s scenes and funny videos.

I don’t remember when I discovered this page, because it is like it has been in my life forever… jajaja this sounds exaggerate, but is the really.   I visit frequently, every time I to come on my computer I know that I check it. I like me because is interactive, clear and I know that I find what I am looking for. In the last time youtube has become so important that use in the news, I think this is terrible because, for example, I don’t know which the importance in a video that shows two babies to interact. I think this is too much.

viernes, 8 de abril de 2011

City of God

 Write about films is very complicated because there are so many good movies. But, I have to choose one… this one is “City of God” I saw it last year in my house with my friend Lucy.  
The film is based on a true story, it happened in a Rio´s dangerous neighbourhood. The principal characters are three boys: Buscapé, Zé pequeño and Bené, they grown up between violence, drugs, poverty, etc. For this reasons, each one, they decide their destiny...
Buscapé tells the story. He doesn’t choose the criminal road like the others characters, he is a photographer and he shows us the movie from his viewpoint.
In this movie plays Alexandre Rodrigues, like "buscapé" (rocket), Leandro Firmino is "Zé pequeño" and "Bene" is Phellipe Haagensen.
The film like me because the story is raw, and show us other realities. Visually is beautiful and the characters are really interesting and convincing. I considered important because the story represent the reality of the Brazilian society and to permit knows how it works the “favelas”

I advise to see the movie, will not be disappointed!

viernes, 1 de abril de 2011

Iguaçu falls

Hi people!

I want to tell about the places I met in my “study tour”, in summer of 2008. The trip was in bus, the destiny was Brazil, for that we went two countries before: Argentina and Paraguay. My favorite place in the tour was Iguaçu falls, but all the trip was amazing, because this experience I could live it with my friends and mates from since childhood. In this place I saw the most beautiful and majestic nature, from animals to waterfalls and plants. Also I went to waterfalls in a boat, I saw so close and could feel the water in my face, really in all my body, met a new animal: Coati, this animal doesn’t exist in this country. The coati is similar to the dog and a squirrel, is really lovely and I walked a through lush hills. Also I taste the typical foods, I ate delicious meats and tropical fruts, I drank fresh caipirinha.

This place i liked because is wonderful, amazing, majestic and was an experience unforgettable, but not just the place people also, this made the trip more fun.