Really, I don`t have a favorite web site, because when I surf in the internet the web sites I visit depend that I have to do. Regularly I visit facebook, gmail, I search all type the information, movies or serial in google, also I visit the page of the newspapers and youtube and read blogs. The ones previously mentioned, I want to write about youtube. In this web site you can find videos that teach you about cooking, playing the flute, making a theremin , also you can find music’s videos, concerts, film’s scenes and funny videos.
I don’t remember when I discovered this page, because it is like it has been in my life forever… jajaja this sounds exaggerate, but is the really. I visit frequently, every time I to come on my computer I know that I check it. I like me because is interactive, clear and I know that I find what I am looking for. In the last time youtube has become so important that use in the news, I think this is terrible because, for example, I don’t know which the importance in a video that shows two babies to interact. I think this is too much.